AAU is DONE.... NOW WHAT?!!!
Updated: Jul 30, 2021
We have listed the prospect, elite, shooting and exposure camps in late July & August that are MUST attend for BOYS High school basketball players!!
Didn't get that offer you were looking for? Did college coaches not give you a look during travel season? Well, you still got time to get in-front of some coaches!! Many times college basketball staffs recruit their elite/prospect camps harder than AAU! There are also some camps that you can work on your game to get better and gain some exposure too. We have listed the camps below, sign-up and BALL OUT!!
Coach Cam + DBoze Skill Training - Shooting and Offensive Moves Camp | July 28th - 30th $100 - LINK
Albion Prospect Camp | July 28th $65 - LINK
Central Michigan Elite Camp | August 1st $75 LINK
Eastern Michigan Elite Camp | August 5th $60 - LINK
Grand Valley Exposure Camp II | August 5th $60 LINK
Hope College Elite Camp | August 5th $110 LINK
Northwood 2021 Elite Camp | August 6th $60 LINK
Bank Hoops Underclassman Camp ('24,'25,'26) | August 8th $100 LINK